Mango Ice Cream

mango ice creamThese days photography has taken much of my time than baking. Till recently, I was working mostly on auto mode on my camera as I was scared to fiddle with the setting of my camera, I thought any wrong selection and I would have to rush to the camera shop for resetting. I know,  I might be sounding strange to many of you who do not know me as a person. For me, learning a new thing is never easy and when it comes to equipment likes this, I am a person who can very conveniently   continue doing a work in a standard way to avoid learning something new.

mango ice cream

But sometimes miracles do happen and my love for blogging helps me in discovering all the new things which otherwise, I would not even think of.  Nowadays, I just take out my camera and click with different setting.  Every time I come closer to the nature, I feel like getting my camera and capture the beautiful moods of nature be it the morning calmness, the blushing sky, a flock of birds or pearls of water formed on the leaves or the beautiful  butterflies shying away as I go near. Just waiting to save every beautiful moment in my camera.


But one more thing I wanted to clear that please doesn’t think that I can any time pick my camera to click what I said above. Till now even I have not clicked much because it is not always possible to roam around with your camera ignoring the people you love and care for.

mango ice cream

The difference you might not able to see in my coming posts because for some more time I will be posting photographs of my backlog.

The picture above is a recent one which might seem a simple one to you, but I clicked this one at 7 p.m which otherwise I won’t dare to click (reason: natural light).

Today I am sharing a very easy but very delicious recipe with no corn flour or cooking required,  just simply blend all the things together and freeze it. Again I used an another variety of mango (dussheri) instead of Alphonsoes.  Trust me it was equally good.

Recipe adapted from Sanjeev Kapoor’s Kitchen

Serves 3


  • Milk – 1 cup
  • Single cream – 1 cup
  • Milk powder – 1 cup
  • Powdered Sugar – ½ or more
  • Mango Pulp – 1 cup


Blend all the above ingredients until a smooth creamy texture obtained. Pour this in a container and put this in the freeze to chill. After every 2 hour give it a quick blend. Do this step for 3 to 4 times, this will help in preventing forming the ice crystals in ice cream.