Very Healthy and Almost oil free Coconut and Banana Bread….a quick update

So far, we all are happy as our choice of color is looking good on the walls.  Our room, which was given first, is almost done now and right now we are enjoying the brightness and a sense of spaciousness (provided by the bright color paint) in our room.

For the kitchen, I have bought a few more shelves and now I am waiting for some carpenter to come and fix the shelves.    This coming weekend, we are planning to  go out and shop for new curtains.IMG_1836This week we had  one more reason to be happy as Inder’s transfer has been done to his choice of school, which also happens to be a morning and single shift school.  Now, his commuting time too will be saved as it is very close to our house. 

A few images taken over at my sister’s house, where we visited last weekend.   And this was the loaf I carried with me to her house.

Banana and Coconut LoafUnfortunately, I was told later that Abhinav, my nephew  doesn’t like  bananas…  Over the last weekend, I read ‘When Breathe Becomes Air’ one more time.  This memoir by Paul Kalanthini is the most heartbreaking and high influential book I have read in recent times.   Every time I start this book I expect and wish a different end.  Banana and Coconut Loaf You know, sometimes I fear for the safety of this blog.  What if, all of my data is  lost or erased from the site?  What happens,  if all my memories and  emotions get  accidentally deleted?   Nobody is accountable for the security as it is a free platform.    Virat promised me to help sometime soon. banana and coconut loafsAnyways, I can’t talk write any further  now.  More updates soon.

Serves – 10

Recipe adapted from The Fit Interest


  • Bananas, ripe – 3
  • Eggs – 3
  • Oil – ¼ cup
  • Dessicated coconut – ½ cup
  • Vanilla essence – 2tsp
  • Multigrain Flour – ½ cup
  • Water – 1/8 cup
  • baking powder – 1 tsp
  • walnuts – ½ cup
  • honey – ¼ cup
  • Banana, cut into ½ inch slices
  • Demarara sugar – 2 tsp


Preheat the oven at 180 degree C. Line a 6” loaf tin with baking paper. In a mixer  jar  blend the three bananas until soft and smooth.  Now add eggs and run until well blended.   Add water, oil,  honey  and dessicated coconut and  blitz again for a few seconds.  Sift flour and baking powder in another bowl.  Now gently fold walnuts and flour mixture into the wet mixture.  Pour this mixture into the prepared tin. Press the chopped banana  (optional) banana  into the batter. Now sprinkle the demarara  sugar evenly over the top.

Bake in the oven for 30 -35 minute or until the skewer or knife comes out clean.