Leftover Chapatti or Bread Poha.. road trip to Panchkula (Chandigarh)

leftover Chapatti or bread poha

Chandigarh always took me back to a time, quite many years ago, when my father has to go there very often for some case.   Once for some reasons he has to extend his stay over there, so we too reached there in a car send by him to spend our weekend with him. At that time I was enchanted by the greenery and cleanliness of Chandigarh. After that many times we tag along with him and always loved the city.

chandigarh trip

This times too when a family friend invited us to accompany them, we didn’t let this opportunity go.  Finally, three families went together in their own cars. We all had blast together specially kids. Luckily this time I have many photographs to share.

kids had lots of fun

In hotel, kids enjoyed swimming the most.

chandigarh trip

Next day, it was decided that we will go to Kasaulli in their cars but my husband who has now became confident after driving till Chandigarh, wanted to drive even in the mountains..

chandigarh trip

At first scared, but later enjoyed so much that he forgot to stop at Kasaulli, so we all have to change our programme and instead of going back, it was decided that we will stop at Chael instead..

chandigarh trip

That day too, we enjoyed our ride very much enjoying nature in between and ate fresh fruits right from the trees.

plucking fresh fruits right from the tree

We ladies can’ feel satisfied until  we shop,  So our next day went in shopping  but other than this pine cone I didn’t brought anything and that too was for free.

pine cones

chandigarh trip

Kids enjoyed the liberty given to them for three days to enjoy ice creams and colas as much they like.

kids enjoying ice cream

While coming back  I watched endless views of nature.

chandigarh trip

As the weather was not so perfect to step out and click photograph but still on my request he stopped the car to allow me to go into the fields of sunflower.

sunflower farming

chandigarh trip

Later kids enjoyed bath in the fields with the water coming from tubewell.

tubewell bath

How can I post something without any recipe? I am sharing one of my favourite breakfast. Very often, I was left with many chapattis and nobody in our house touches them, the very next day. One fine day I saw this recipe on Masterchef Sanjeev Kapoor’s show Cooksmart and I intentionally made extra chapattis that day, so that I can try this recipe. We all loved it, after that I tried with leftover bread and later with some bread and some chapatti and everytime it tasted divine.

chapati poha


  • Chapatti or old bread – 7 to 8
  • Onion diced finely – 2 small
  • Green Chillies – 2 or less as desired
  • Curry leaves
  • Asafoeitida – ¼ tsp
  • Salt to taste
  • Pepper – ¼ tsp
  • Turmeric – ¼ tsp
  • Red chilli powder – ¼ tsp
  • Lemon juice – 2 tbsp
  • Corriander, chopped finely to garnish
  • Peanuts – 1 tbsp
  • Mustard seeds – ¼ tsp
  • Cumin seeds – ¼ tsp
  • Oil – 2 tbsp


Make crumbs of bread or chapatti in a mixer. In pan pour oil when oil became hot add mustard seeds and cumin seeds immediately add asafoeitida, curry leaves and peanut. Don’t wait further add onions, chillies, sauté till onion changes color now add turmeric. Add the bread crumbs and splash some water over. Mix well on slow flame for a minute. Add salt, chilly powder, pepper and lemon juice. Garnish with fresh coriander.

chapatti poha

In the end, adding just one more photo.

chandigarh trip